Since it's the new year i have made a resolution:
I am on a search to find one of my friends from 5th grade and get in contact with her.
I am going to look on Google Plus, Facebook, Instagram and more.
There was this one girl in 5th grade who I tried to lead to Christ. Now that I look back at it I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to lead someone because I wasn't done following. I needed to have my strengthening before I could strengthen others.
I believe now that I am strong in the faith. I've heard His calling and gained strength through it. I belive that this is what God is calling me to do because i am so excited about it!
I would love it if you would pray for those who have the longing like i do to share the gospel with others.
I would say that you'd be surprised who God has used in my life to show me things. I think you were able to share back then, but I also think that maybe God wasn't done working with her through you. I believe that you are doing the right thing by trying to find her! and keep trying I will be praying for you through it all!